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St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

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Great Ideas for Lighting: The Office Space

How to create a dynamic and comfortable office space? Improve lighting. A great deal of energy is produced in an office, so it’s important to have the right lighting. You need a light that isn’t just illuminating but also informative and motivating. The right lighting will set you apart from your competitors and give you a competitive edge. Here are some best practices for lighting your office space.

Decide On The Purpose Of Your Office Space

Do you have an open-plan office space or a dedicated space for certain staff? If you have a constant flow of people in and out of your office, you’ll want to consider the purpose of your space. Typically, the purpose of an office is related to the work that occurs in the space. If your office is the hub of your business, then the remodelling of your walls and light fixtures should reflect that. If the primary purpose of your space is to provide a pleasant atmosphere for your employees, you’ll want to make sure the light fixtures and walls reflect that.

Use Appropriate Lighting

A common mistake that new office managers and executives make is to overcapitalize the importance of lighting. Yes, lighting can help create a welcoming and productive work environment. But too much light in an office space can be distracting and inefficient. The right amount of light is critical to productivity. Too much light in an office space is actually harmful to productivity. It interferes with one’s ability to focus, readjusting the eyes to compensate for the increased light levels. Additionally, it can cause individuals to overthink, further decreasing productivity.

Bright Lights Are Great For Producing Energy

One way to up the energy efficiency in your office space is to use the appropriate light source. The best lights for an office will reflect the energy that you want to produce, thereby limiting the amount of light that you are actually putting out. If you’re trying to stay efficient, you want to use lights that produce the least amount of light. However, if you want to give your employees a more compelling and productive experience, then bright lights are necessary.

Dark Colors Are Good For Setting The Scene

Dark colours are great for creating a mood, but they are not appropriate for producing energy. A dark room or an office with dark furniture, drapes, and light fixtures produces less light than a light-filled room. If you’re trying to maximize the amount of light in the room, use dark colours only where there is less competition for light. For example, the walls, curtains, and furniture should be dark; only the light fixtures should be white or light-reflective.

Use Soft Light To Produce Timing And Causality

Some people find that they’re most productive when the lights are low, and the room is relatively dark. Others find that they’re the most productive in the morning or the evening, which brings us to soft light. Soft light is made up of light that is spread out and diffused rather than focused. Achieving soft light is difficult, but it’s possible with lighting techniques. You can control the direction and intensity of soft light by rotating the light fixture and varying the distance between the light source and the work surface.

Create Compelling Visuals With Print Materials

If you’re trying to use the light in your office to its advantage, then visual media are key. You don’t need fancy lights or wall sconces to create compelling visuals. All you need are some good prints, a few nice lights, and some wall hangings. If you have an affinity for prints, then a collection of framed art is a great way to mix things up in your office. But a collection of prints doesn’t have to be boring. You can employ a variety of techniques to create a beautiful but unique image.


Office space is one of the most important aspects of a business. It is necessary to have an efficient, organized, and bright space in order to keep your business running smoothly. You can’t just throw furniture wherever you want. It needs to be in order for the space to function optimally. The same goes for lights. You need lights that are bright enough to be seen but soft enough to provide a pleasant ambience. A great way to create a memorable space for your employees is to use the light in the room as a tool. Work with the light fixtures and lights fixtures to help create a warm and welcoming environment.

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